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Ball and Stick Figures
03 Sept 06

I go to life drawing sessions or hire a model at least once a week. I experimented with trying to use the techniques recommended in many books regarding how to draw a figure. Most either use big or small circles for all the major masses and joints or they use a series of angled blocks.

I'm afraid this simplistic approach leaves a lot to be desired for me. Perhaps it's too mechanical, but it just doesn't feel right.

The page above was taken from one of the hundreds of "How To" drawing books that describe how to draw the figure using the technique I mentioned.

My approach is not so mechanical. Here's a drawing from this week:

Some Like it Hot

I try not to jump into a drawing, but rather, take a few moments to view the model, the pose, the area around the model, and get a feel for the energy exchange between us. It's important to feel "something" before you start. Don't let the mechanics dictate the outcome otherwise your drawing will not have emotional depth.

I haven't had much success starting off a drawing with sticks and balls or with blocks and cylinders. I do look for simplistic shape masses and planes that establish forshortening or depth, but I guess I don't like the look of the intermediate step using the technique from the book above, so I tend to avoid it. The drawing quickly loses its asthetic appeal (to me) when it starts life as a robotic figure.

Well that's all I have for this opening blog (due to time restrictions), but I'll be back. This blog is meant to push me to really evaluate my approach and to keep me on a strong creative track. Please let me know if it is of any use to you or if you have a comment regarding this posting. E-mail me at: terry@terryvision.com I'll gladly post your comments if you like.


Life Drawing Photos Site

I've created a NEW SITE that offers photos of the fabulous life drawing model, "Olivia"! The photos available on this site are intended to be an instructional aid for anyone interested in learning to draw the figure. Check it out at:

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contact: terry@terryvision.com phone: (707) 538-1529
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